Message from the Director of Education: Dr. Chris Spence
Welcome to "Keeping The Dream Alive", the Toronto District School Board's celebration of the incredible life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.! We are immensely proud to bring today's exciting production to the prestigious stage of Roy
Thomson Hall.
At the Toronto District School Board, we have a vision for the future, based on our strong commitment to the principles of equity, fairness, and human rights. By advocating for a socially just world, we ensure our students will become responsible members of our democratic society.
Seeing young people on stage and in the audience embracing the TDSB's social justice principles through artistic expression assures us of a bright road ahead. Keeping the Dream Alive embodies the ideals of our new Social Justice Action Plan, which mandates each school, elementary and secondary, to get involved in one local and one international social justice initiative.
On this special day, we wish each and every one of you success! We hope the spirit of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.-and all the other great men, women,and children who have devoted their lives to the noble causes of human rights and social justice - will touch you today and guide you as you grow into contributing citizens of our complicated, challenging and always-changing world.
Thank You!
Today's message "Keeping the Dream Alive" has a strong connection to many people. What was your connection to the message? What can you do to further promote the message that Dr. King shared with the world so many years ago?